mercoledì 13 aprile 2016

Anti-haul is the new haul

Well I was behaving so well and nothing...yesterday I bought 2 lipsticks. They aren't that expensive luckily. I can't undo what I did so...Let's talk about what I won't buy even if I like it, love it but I certainly don't need it!!!

1) Let's start from this palette that I really don't even like it that much. The Bon bon palette. 
It's nice and it's heart shaped but's not even that different from the others Chocolate palettes. I didn't taste it (it seems the new trend tasting make up that smells like food). 
Easy peasy.
2) Uhhhhhh, the next one is tough. I know I don't need know why??? I have only two cheeks and I won't live long and prosper like Adeline Bowman.
I'm talking about the Gwen Stefani palette. It's gorgeus, a friend of mine some days ago sent me a pick of this telling me his husband gifted her because she was sad but In'm gonna resist because I have too many blusches and I don't even pack on blush because I'm always afraid to look like a clown. So that's it. I'm gonna resist. It's so beautiful though...But nowdays I always use three blushes by mac and I don't know how often I would use it...

3) The other one is the Cheekathon by Benefit. It's beautiful and has Dandelion that I wanted for a long long time but I don't need it. It would be outrageous to buy it. 
4) Last but not least I won't buy even the Gwen Stefani eyeshadow palette. They're neutrals and I have tons of neutrals. 
I don't need it!!!

4) I'm not gonna buy the Kevin Aucoin contour's too expensive and I don't need it..

Thank you Kimberly Clark you're awesome...that' what we really needed: anti-haul videos!

Check her out!!!!

5 days of no coffee

Inspired by Lucie Fink I tried 5 entire days without coffee....And well it tourned out pretty well. I loved changing my breakfast routine and I didn't experience the headaches and the migraines...Now I stated drinking coffee know I love coffee, it's a pleasure to drink it and it makes you feel a awake.
I made a lot of research about benefits and cons about coffe and I found everything and its opposite so I really can't tell if 's good to drink or if it's comparable to sigarettes. For sure it's something addicting and that should mean something. The thing that made me more curious was the dehidration problem. On the net I found that scientific studies proove yes and no at the same it  depens mostly who you ask to. It's kind of annoying btw, but I'm gonna dig into it because I'm already a lot dehydrated already as I ti was kind of the point. Some studies even proove that it helps dealing with dehydration....Who knows!
Well after this long and boring nonsense go watch Refinery29 videos and Lucie Fink 5 days of...It's entertaining and intersting. Last but not least...It was a sleepy sleepy week and going to work skipping coffee break everyday was something! But it was worthy beacuse I was less more stressed out, less bloating and I sleot a little better. 
See you!

martedì 5 gennaio 2016

what's on my bookshelf...

This year I have read so many books...I'm so happy!!! It takes me a lot to go to work, and I use public transportations so it I used it to read and it was so accomplishing and it made me happier.
I won't report every book here in a list just because I think it's kind of boring but I will write down just my favourites...

The first category is "I wanna be sedated"
Let's get prepared because this list isn't for everybody...
"Lolita" Vladimir Nabokov is a good start.
"A million little pieces" James Frey. It's hard and it's not bright and shinybut I loved it.
"American Psycho" Bret Eston Ellis. I know I know...I had rogh year and I didn't want to feel alone in this bad bad world.
Last but not least "The violent bear it away" Flannery O'Connor
I read other stories about psychopath but these are the best in my opinion.

The second one is "Possibly Maybe"

"The road" Cormac McCarthy.
"Annihilation" Jeff VanderMeer
"The circle" Dave Eggers
" Lord of the flies"

I read a lot more but I think these ones are the best of the best for 2015. Now I'm reading the third book of the Game of thrones I'm gonna stick to that for a long time I think!
What's your list?

domenica 3 gennaio 2016

Since I go out at 7:30 a.m. and I arrive home at about 6 o' clock p.m. I'm a huge fan of a thing called I have a little makeup bag where I stuff my things for touchups and little necessary miracles.
This time is a little one just beacause I stuff my bag with millions and millions things and it's already damn heavy by itself so I'm just trying to be zen.
It's a clinique makeup bag that I found in a clinique set and you can see through, it's simple and comfy but I don't know how long it's going to survive...
Let's see what's inside:
fit me! maybelline pressed powder. It's the only drug store powdr that does the job because I have really really dehydrated skin and every other powder are cakey and too much. My beloved one is
infact the Mac one but I keep it at home. It's the Minerlize Skinfinish natual, ultrafamous, blah blah blah..

Mocha. It's a Mac matte powder blush, it's nice it's not gingerly but now I'm so pale that I would look like a clown if wore in this period.

3) Instant age rewind eraser dark circles. It's light and easy to use even on the bus or when noone's watching. Because on ly Panda are lovely with dark circles.
Elf Cool bronzer. It does the job, nothing special.

I'm not a lipstick gal but I stil have two lipsticks because it complete the look and I have very pale lips. I have two mac lipsticks: Mehr and Creme in your coffee. Gourgeus colours and they're perfect with every look.

I have two mini 168 mac brushes. They're cute and useful. For the eyes I have an essence brush and and unkonow blending brush. I rarely use it but for the last minute friends meeting they're perfect.

I have a sample dior cream. I use when I have the time do my makeup all over again. It happens rarely but since it's a little sample it doesn't take much space and my skin is too dry to use makeup products without a cream layer.

Last but not least I have a blackpencil liner, a black elastic and a bobby pin for last last minute hairstyles.

What's in yours?

mercoledì 30 dicembre 2015

project 10 pan

 I'm starting to write in English from now on just because I never do and honestly I'm not going to in the near future so I think this one could be a solution. It's the beginning of the year so why not?
Since it's the good purpose day I'm starting a project pan. I have too much stuff and honestly I think it's embarassing and it's been fun and so on to go out and buy all these things but I don't think it's healthy and I'm all about environment and stuff so I should act like it.
Well I hope I'm making my point so let's start!!!
The first ten items I wanna put in my project pan are easy- peasy. I'm a promoter of the step by step theory. 
These are things that I've already hit pan on adn that I love and that I use everyday. 

1 Laguna bronzer by Nars 
2-3-4 Plumful, Please me and Creme in your coffee by Mac. 
5- Lisptick by Kiko. It's kind of a piece of History btw it's almost gone and I'm sad beacause I love it so much and it was a limited edition.
6- Hoola bronzer by benefit. Well I loved it so so so much until my boyfriend bought me Filmstar bronze and glow by Charlotte tilbury for Christmas. Well I've hit major pan and for work it's perfect.
7- Pink swoon blush by Mac. It's going to take me ages to finish that even if I've already hit pan but Mac blushes are neverending products....well at least for me.
8- Sin eyeshadow by Urban decay. It's the only eyeshadow I've hit pan on in the Urban Decay palette and it's lovely and all but now I have all that glitters by mac and it's better. Aaaaanyway. 
9- Emmervellè by Chanel. 
10 - The last item is Spice by mac, it's a lipliner and I love it. 

Ok that's my project, let's see how it goes! 

lunedì 19 ottobre 2015

Giorno 3: "Lolita" Vladimir Nabokov

"Lolita, luce della mia vita, fuoco dei miei lombi. Mio peccato, anima mia. Lo-li-ta: la punta della lingua compie un breve viaggio di tre passi sul palato per andare a bussare, al terzo, contro i denti. Lo-li-ta. Era Lo, null'altro che Lo, al mattino, diritta nella sua statura di un metro e cinquantotto, con un calzino soltanto. Era Lola in pantaloni. Era Dolly a scuola. Era Dolores sulla linea punteggiata dei documenti. Ma nelle mie braccia fu sempre Lolita."

Ho cercato di diluire la lettura per non finirlo troppo in fretta, e mi è dispiaciuto arrivare alla fine...E con un incipit del genere cosa ci fate ancora qui??? Perchè non siete in libreria a comprarlo?
Lo so i russi spaventano  ma ne vale la pena!

mercoledì 14 ottobre 2015

L'illuminazione sulla via di Damasco ( guardando Les Revenants )

Ho ancora gli occhi a palla per l'angoscia e l'inquietudine. Non ho visto molti episodi ma appena ho finito di vedere il quarto ho preso il pc e sono venuta a scrivere sul blog. La storia di questo telefilm è strana ma lo è ancora di più quella che mi ha portato ad accendere la tv per vederlo. 
In questo periodo mi sono data alla lettura compulsiva dei romanzi di Carrère. Quello che sto leggendo in questo periodo è "Il regno" che ho recentemente accantonato per leggere altre cose perchè è il mio modus operandi ma le prime trecento pagine me le sono divorate. E come comincia questo tomone sulla vita di  S.Paolo? Se solo avessi anche io il suo dono della sintesi...come il fratello di Pennac che con tre frasi lo infiammava talmente tanto da andarsi a divorare il libro. 
Eccovi l'incipit:

Quella primavera ho collaborato alla sceneggiatura di una serie televisiva. Questo il soggetto: una notte, in un paese di montagna, tornano dei morti. Non si sa perchè, ne perchè proprio quei morti e non altri. Loro stessi non sanno di essere morti. Lo capiscono dallo sguardo spaventato delle persone che amano, che li amavano, accanto alle quali vorrebbero riprendere il proprio posto. Non sono zombie, non sono fantasmi, non sono vampiri. Non siamo in  un film fantastico ma nella realtà. Ci si chiede seriamente: che cosa succederebbe se questo evento impossibile capitasse per davvero? Se entrando in cucina trovaste vostra figlia adolescente, morta da tre anni, che si sta preparando una scodella di cereali con la paura di essere sgridata perchè è tornata a casa tardi e non ricorda assolutamente nulla di ciò che è accaduto la sera prima, voi come reagireste?"

Ma soprattutto perchè non siete già su un sito di streaming a vedervi l'episodio pilota o su amazon a comprarvi il dvd?  Bene io quella sera ero già a letto, in pigiama  e sotto le coperte con l'intenzione di leggere le solite tre righe per poi spegnere la luce e ronfare alla grande. E invece leggo queste poche righe e mi ritrovo a cercare su internet informazioni sulla serie e su sky a vedere se ho fortuna. La situazione è questa: non solo lo danno su sky ma il giorno successivo fanno la maratona con tutti gli episodi della prima serie e la settimana successiva comincia la seconda serie. Ciappino con My Sky e da lì il resto è storia...

La serie tv ha un ritmo lento ed è piena di atmosfere cupe ed inquietanti ma non è horror, per chi cerca delle scene da farsela addosso o più spaventose di The Ring ( che mi hanno detto essere molto pauroso, non so io non guardo film horror perchè sono una fifona) non è la serie giusta. Io sono ancora all'inizio perciò non che piega prenderà ma questo mistero mi ha acchiappato ed è girata davvero bene.